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We are pleased to announce that our Charity Ball, held on the 13th of November 2021 at the Cottons Hotel, Knutsford was a success!
116 attendees came together for our first face to face event since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our aim was to raise enough money to purchase a patient monitor for the team RRV. This portable machine is used to measure patient vital signs which are essential when we may have to perform surgery on them or put them off to sleep.
A special thanks should go out to all those local businesses who so generously supplied raffle prizes in order for us to auction off and raise even more money.
We are pleased to announce that following the event and with the donations from a couple of private individuals, we have not only managed to raise funds for one machine, but we have ordered two!
The second machine will be placed into operational use by one of our responders.
We’ve already been asked for an event next year so our fundraising team have been requested to look at plans going forward. We’ll be sure to let you know when we have some ideas.
For now, a huge thank you from the whole team and our patients for supporting this event.
Please take a moment to visit our business supporters for the event and consider using their services or shops as an extra way of thanking them for supporting us!
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