Another Responder Hits the Road

Today we welcome a new responder onto the roads. Having completed the required driving examinations and been signed off for blue light responding, Simon joins the solo responder team. Simon will be responding in his Land Rover vehicle, which has now had a complete covert lighting system installed.  The complete Whelen lighting kit with Woodway controller, supplied by Woodway Engineering, …

Alpkit Funding Success


The team have recently purchased new helmets following a successful funding application This purchase was made possible after we successfully applied for a grant from the Alpkit Foundation to purchase new helmets. The new Manta Helmets from Future Safety ensure our responders are protected when working around road crashes, railway incidents or on unstable terrain.  Since lockdown, the team have …

New Response Bags

Pax Bags

The team are extremely grateful to the Albert Hunt Trust who have supported the purchase of response bags for our Rapid Response Vehicle. The new bags are reflective and durable and can be wiped down, making it easier to control infections and keep our patients safe. The team worked closely with Pax UK who ensured we had the right bags …

New Team Vehicle

Home - BMW_RRV

We are pleased to announce our new team vehicle has arrived. This was made possible after we successfully applied for a £50,000 grant from the British Association for Immediate Care. This comes from an annual donation of £250,000 made by the HELP APPEAL to support the work of groups affiliated with the Association who provide voluntary immediate care services across …

We’ve launched a lottery!


In order to keep the team operational, we have launched a lottery to bring in vital funds! The cost of keeping the team ready to respond costs us several thousand pounds a year. That doesn’t include wear and tear on vehicles and equipment, or the cost of getting new members kitted and trained to be able to respond. Since COVID-19, …

Kwik-Fit Donation


Life saving volunteer medics are being kept on the roads in Cheshire and Shropshire thanks to a kind donation. Kwik-Fit has generously donated £500’s worth of vouchers to the Cheshire and Shropshire Immediate Care Group to help with the maintenance of the charity’s emergency response vehicles. CSI BASICS provide specialist volunteer doctors and paramedics to support the ambulance and rescue …

Donation received


The team is extremely grateful to Delamere Dairy for their recent donation. As a team, we rely on the support and generosity of the public and businesses to ensure we can continue to support the communities in which we are embedded. These donations cover the cost of insurances, vehicle running costs and purchasing the necessary equipment to get new responders …

HELP Funding Received


CSIBASICS Secretary John Carrie and other BASICS scheme members receiving a cheque from Robert Bertram from the HELP Appeal The CSIBASICS team are pleased to have been awarded £50,000 to purchase a brand new rapid response vehicle. The BASICS (British Association for Immediate Care) charity, who are our parent organisation, received a £250,000 donation from the County Air Ambulance HELP …

Well done Mike!

Last night saw the coming together of all those responders who assisted with saving the life of John O’Brien who was badly injured in a motorcycle crash. Volunteer NWPCCC responder Mike Hughes who was on his very first responding day for the team answered the call from the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) and immediately made his way to the …

Manchester Arena Attack


Most people will remember the tragic events on Monday 22nd May 2017 when a Suicide bomber struck in Manchester. Along with our Police, Fire and Ambulance colleagues, two of our volunteer responders Dr Richard Smith and Dr Tim Smith attended the scene. Armed with a host of advanced skills and experience, the two doctors were able to support the Ambulance …