Are you a Paramedic and interested in joining?
The team has a number of Paramedics within the charity who support a response and the day to day charitable activities. They hold committee positions including Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Officer and Fleet Manager.
Currently, only Paramedics who are employed as Critical Care Paramedics or substantive Advanced Paramedics are able to respond as solo responders. The solo Paramedic responding model is new to NWAS and is still in it's infancy.
We are working with NWAS to explore a system where in the future, we can develop the next generation of responders. This will ensure those responders are appropriately trainied and experienced to cope with the increased demand of providing critical care services.
If you are keen to look at responding in the future, then our suggestion would be to consider sitting the Diploma in Immediate Medical Care by the Faculty of Prehospital Care
This page will continue to be kept up to date with the latest developments in the Paramedic responding pathway.
Should you have any queries regarding joining the team, please email - recruitment